January 11, 2021
A Resolution of the Executive Committee of the CCDCC

Resolution 2021-1: In the Defense of The Republic

Whereas; The protection of our democratic system of government relies on the acceptance of proven information and the following of accepted law, and

Whereas; Joe Biden and Kamala Harris received a verified 306 Electoral Votes, enough to confirm their victory in the 2020 General Election, and that they won the popular vote by a count of 81 million to 74 million votes, and

Whereas; The Republican administration as led by President Trump has undermined our democracy and the Nation’s unity by the unprincipled spread of misinformation and lies about that result, and

Whereas: The recent insurrection propagated by violent mobs, incited by lies and direct exhortations from President Trump on January 6, 2021, in our Nation’s capitol buildings is a shocking and unacceptable stain on our democracy, and

Whereas; The actions of those who participated and supported the breaching of our sacred halls and the disrespect of our democratic traditions acted in an unacceptable manner incompatible with the laws of our Nation and the country’s tradition of a peaceful transfer of power, and

Whereas; The actions of President Trump and the insurrectionists resulted in the death of a Capitol police officer and several other people, as well as injuries to many officers, bystanders and journalists, and

Whereas; Even in the midst of an armed insurrection at the capitol buildings, 147 Republican Congressmen and women did not vote to recognize the validity of the election of Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris, and

Whereas; These actions continue to call into question the validity of the existing Electoral process, and

Whereas; Even in our State of Oregon, a legislator, Jeff Reardon R-Independence, opened a protected door into the Salem Capitol to rioters intent on disrupting proceedings, which acted to negate the protection of our legislature during a recent session, resulting in bodily harm to police officers guarding the capitol, and

Whereas; The Clatsop County Democratic Central Committee (CCDCC) has observed this national disgrace and feels the need to express our organization’s profound concern over the actions of militant groups, white supremacists, and leaders of the Republican Party,


Therefore Be It Resolved That:

  1. We reaffirm that the 2020 General Election reached the verified outcome that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris received the necessary number of electoral votes to be elected the next President and Vice President of the United States.
  2. We condemn the acts of the President, Republican Members of Congress and the US Senate, and right-wing media to cast doubt over the election results, and to sow division in our country based on these lies.
  3. We reaffirm our belief that Republicans’ unwillingness to enforce checks and balances in our government and limit the overreach and unlawfulness of the current administration has led us to this place.
  4. We believe that President Trump represents a clear and present danger to the health of our country and democracy, and we support legal efforts to remove him from office and bar him from future office.
  5. We of the CCDCC will work to protect and preserve the ideals of our democracy and resist efforts to intimidate or limit the freedoms guaranteed to us by our Constitution.


Passed by unanimous voice vote.